AAC Blocks

AAC Blocks

  • Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is manufactured in PLC controlled plant by mixing fly ash,Ordinary Portand Cement (OPC), quick lime and other additives with water in high speed mixer resulting in creating millions of tiny air cells giving it a strong cellular structure.
  • AAC Blocks are further strengthened by high pressure curing in temperature controlled autoclaves resulting in strength/density ratio better than conventional brick.
  • Invented in 1923 by the Swedish architect and inventor Dr. Johan Axel Eriksson and has been around for over 90 years with being extensively used in Europe, Japan & China.
  • With emerging requirements & increased awareness, eco-friendly AAC building are growing exponentially in india .

AAC blocks, 10 times the size of clay bricks, have been in production for more than 90 years, with their demand increasing rapidly in India due to their overall low cost, light weight (almost 70% less than clay bricks) and sound insulation properties – Hindustan Times

We are the Expert on this Field, Better Building Solutions Since 1984
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